Behind each company are people whose decisions depend on the performance and evolution of the company but also the destinies of all employees. That's why we always strive to offer the best technological solutions that turn our customers challenges into development opportunities.
+50 clients and hundreds of completed projects in the over 10 years of activity
We look forward to growing with our customers and contributing to their success!

Case Studies
CEC Bank uses software robots to automate bank guarantee letter approval workflow
CEC Bank
About the customer
With over 1,000 territorial units, about 41.25 billion lei in banking assets and rated BB by Fitch, CEC is one of the most representative financial organizations in Romania. CEC represents both tradition and modernity, with the bank undergoing an accelerated process of digital transformation in recent years. In order to best meet customer requirements and increase operational efficiency, CEC is implementing a hybrid business model, allowing access to all services from both branches and online in an equally seamless and fast way. To this end, the company has a well-defined digitisation strategy, which involves aligning several innovative technologies: cloud, low-code applications, software bots, etc.
CEC is currently running multiple IT projects on various operational levels, including speeding up operational processes and shortening the approval time for bank letters of guarantee. In this regard, the bank contracted New Business Dimentions for an analysis of specific workflows and their automation with the help of software robots. New Business Dimentions is a Uipath partner and one of the companies with the best understanding of business processes in banking finance.
The use of software robots in CEC
Issuing and approving bank guarantee letters is a mandatory and repetitive process, making it highly amenable to automation. As part of this project, CEC has set out from the outset to eliminate primary manual data processing, minimise the use of paper and achieve a timeframe of approx. 30 minutes for specific operations.
"Cloud and software robots are two of the pillars on which CEC is building its digitisation and modernisation strategy. They help us both to increase internal efficiency and to bring innovation through technology to our relations with beneficiaries. The collaboration with NBD has been impeccable, their support in completing this project was essential due to the novelty of RPA technology. An important aspect was also the good understanding of banking specific business processes that the NBD team showed each time," says Adina Călin, Director Banking Products and Services, CEC Bank.
New Business Dimensions started the project with an analysis of workflows and repetitive tasks to identify the real potential for automation and propose optimization measures. At the same time, the data sources needed to run the specific processes were mapped and procedures and algorithms for the robots were defined. The project was carried out on RPA Uipath technology, with the installation, configuration and training of the robots being carried out exclusively by the New Business Dimentions team.
Software robots have automated the process of pre-checking the data for issuing letters of guarantee. They query various data sources, internal (specific operational applications) and external (Anaf, Credit Bureau, Regcom,...) replicating the manual actions previously performed by bank employees. Employees now focus their attention on interpreting the results, without wasting time on raw data processing. Additionally, through integration with the document management system, the software robot also manages the long-term archiving of these documents based on associated metadata. After the project went into production, NBD undertook several actions to optimise and parallelise various tasks in the RPA technology and the IT infrastructure on which it runs to improve processing time.
"Previously, my colleagues would manually collect the necessary data and upload it into an excel file for analysis. This process required time and meticulousness to avoid errors. Now the robot works for them and the data is received with a single click. All attention is focused on interpreting the data and interacting with the customer," says Adina Călin.
Project benefits and potential developments
By using software robots, CEC has significantly accelerated specific workflows, reducing the time it takes to issue a letter of guarantee from hours to minutes. Internal agility and efficiency have increased, and customers are receiving more timely responses to requests. The immediate benefits of the project with New Business Dimensions are:
- Speeding up the process of granting letters of guarantee and reducing response times
- Reducing pressure on human resources by assisting software robots in obtaining the necessary information
- Reduce the risk of errors associated with manual data processing
- Integration with the online customer portal to support a 24/7 bank guarantee letter request program
For CEC, the opportunities for using software robots are challenging. As future plans, the bank aims to integrate Artificial Intelligence algorithms into the RPA technology, which based on business rules will also perform data analysis to calculate a quality score. It would enable a higher level of automation as well as a greater openness to self-service customer relationships. At the same time, CEC is also considering extending the use of software robots to other business lines and processes. currently, four other distinct processes are already covered together with NBD by implementing other software robots.
"We've taken an innovator's mindset to the bank's digital transformation process, and the software robots implemented with NBD show us we're on the right track. We are 100% convinced that technology is the best way to increase internal efficiency, accelerate the launch of new products and services and achieve excellence in customer relationships," believes Adina Călin, Director of Banking Products and Services, CEC Bank.
Data Warehouse in AzureCloud and Reporting System using PowerBI
About the customer
With a history that starts in 1991, Cargus is the first private courier company established in Romania. Today, Cargus is one of the main players in the sector, with a turnover of around €100 million and 5,000 employees and collaborators, of which over 2,000 are couriers.
Over the past two to three years, the company has invested heavily in increasing its footprint in the courier market by opening new depots, upgrading existing units, expanding the SHIP & GO network nationwide and diversifying delivery options, digitization and innovation, as well as developing the team. But all these decisions need data to support both the operational and strategic levels.
Together with technology partner, New Business Dimensions, Cargus started a project in 2021 to build a Data Warehouse complete with a modern data analytics solution, giving company managers self-service access to advanced reports.
Business challenges
Accelerated growth, driven by the global context of recent years, the evolution of online commerce, but also the company's digital transformation has put a lot of pressure on Cargus - the need for information has become ever greater, with implications for reporting requirements. Existing operational systems were already generating large volumes of data, but centralising, processing and analysing it was not very easy. Data was exported from operational systems in Excel format, then centralised in a consolidated file, where formulas were applied to transform it into tabular and graphical reports. This way of working could lead to errors in the retrieval of primary data, discrepancies between sources, delays in obtaining reports and did not provide the desired accuracy and confidence.
"Cargus has invested significantly in digitising and modernising operational systems for managing specific courier activities (CurierSoft, CurierAPP) and organisational resources (Oracle JD Edwards). However, the data generated by these systems was exported, consolidated and processed in Excel files, which were also used to generate reports. But to get a fast, complete and accurate picture of the business, the organisation needed a modern reporting and analysis system that consolidated data from multiple sources and provided superior real-time processing and analysis performance," says Belgin Bactali, Chief Financial Officer Cargus.
In this context, the courier company decided to switch to a modern reporting system, which allows the centralization of data from multiple sources, complex processing and rapid transformation into the desired reports.
Cargus contracted New Business Dimensions, wanting a partner with relevant expertise and experience in complex analytics and reporting solutions. At the same time, the Cargus team had positive experience with PowerBI and wanted to integrate Microsoft's Azure Cloud technology for data analysis and visualization into the new system.
"New Business Dimensions has convinced us both with its considerable experience in reporting solutions for financial banking organizations and as a Microsoft Gold Partner to establish a first collaboration. It was exactly the combination of skills we wanted for the implementation of this project, a complex one both in terms of technology and especially in terms of business impact", adds Belgin Bactali.
New Business Dimensions presented a Proof of Concept on a set of relevant management reports to demonstrate the effectiveness of a reporting solution based on a cloud-based Data Warehouse and complemented by a reporting tool such as PowerBI. The results exceeded the expectations of the Cargus partners and the proposal was approved for implementation.
The project included a business analysis and discussions to understand the business requirements and data sets desired to be processed in the reporting, as well as a technical analysis to identify the data sources, their relationships and how to obtain them.
After identifying the reporting requirements with existing data sets, New Business Dimensions modelled and developed the Data Warehouse component, according to a cloud service-based architecture (mechanisms and processes for data extraction, unification, cleansing, sizing and analysis) and physical (connectors, storage and archiving facilities, access). Subsequently, the system allows easy addition of other data sources (operational systems, web services, etc.).
The solution implemented by New Business Dimensions for Cargus has two major components and is based entirely on MS Azure cloud services:
- Data Warehouse to consolidate data from all existing sources;
- PowerBI for assembling data into reports and delivering them to beneficiaries in a dynamic, user-friendly format;
For generating reports, the implemented system uses the Microsoft Power BI service. The reports implemented are dynamic, intuitive and visually appealing, with both standard and role-specific versions defined in the organisation. Moreover, the reports allow for additional drill-down or drill-through investigations.
The platform runs 100% in the cloud (Microsoft Azure), with strong infrastructure and security components through integration with Active Directory, Multi Factor Authentication, granular resource access rights. Thanks to Microsoft Azure's scalability, processing time is short, even when running reports that require processing large volumes of data. In addition, the level of availability and security is very high, without the beneficiary having to invest extra in these aspects.
Following the implementation of the project, Cargus benefits from a unique Data Warehouse and reporting solution that provides a single view of the reality in the company. The Data Warehouse consolidates raw data from all existing operational systems to deliver information for a broad spectrum of analysis and reporting. Users access it quickly and easily via PowerBI, from any device.
"The system developed by New Business Dimensions provides predictability on both the quality of the data and the time in which we get the reports implemented. The effort of the Controlling/Reporting team has been substantially reduced, allowing them to spend more time interpreting the data and analysing the various working scenarios," says Belgin Bactali.
What are the benefits of Cargus implementing this project:
- Advanced data analysis and query capability through drill-down and drill-through functionality on system-generated reports;
- Significantly increase the level of trust in data to support any business decisions;
- Easily benchmark multiple economic or performance indicators over extended periods of time;
- Eliminate manual data processing and errors associated with data processing in Excel;
- Increase the speed of obtaining management reports regardless of their complexity;
- True traceability of data as the system does not overwrite changes to a record and keeps its structure intact over time through historicisation
- The possibility to easily add other data sources (structured or unstructured) to enrich reports and analyses;
- High level of security;
- Increased ease of building new reports;
- Continuous monitoring of data quality;
- Unify reporting sources from all systems through Data Warehouse components.
With the new analysis and reporting system, Cargus has a complete overview of the company's business and links operational and financial data in real time. Validation mechanisms are robust and company management is confident that the reports received reflect reality. The next step is to develop further reporting modules and financial analysis using new predictive and artificial intelligence techniques.
Implementation of GRAFS Collection at BCR Social-Finance
About the customer
BCR Social-Finance is a non-bank financial institution (NFI ), part of the BCR group, which provides financing for entrepreneurs. The company has been active in the market for 12 years, acts as a social enterprise and does not distribute dividends. All profits are reinvested in the company to support social projects. Currently, BCR Social-Finance has an active portfolio of more than 4,500 clients, totalling loans of more than 160 million lei. BCR Social-Finance services are available nationwide through a network of 30 branches and over 100 employees, 60 of whom are directly involved in customer relations.
Business challenges
BCR Social-Finance currently runs several strategic programmes dedicated to non-governmental organisations, social enterprises and small and medium-sized companies. Thus, in 2021, just for micro-enterprises, the company granted about 1400 loans, worth over 80 million lei.
The increase in business in recent years has prompted the company to initiate a project to digitise customer relations. Thus, BCR Social Finance has decided to implement in 2021 the Graf Collection platform, developed by New Business Dimensions, which will allow to modernize the way of working, improve business processes and customer relations. BCR Social-Finance selected New Business Dimensions based on its experience in the field of financial services and competences in data management and analysis.
"The implementation of the Graf Collection platform together with New Business Dimensions was generated by the constant expansion of BCR Social-Finance activity in recent years, the growth of the team and the desire to modernize the way of working. It is, however, just one stage of a broader approach to digitizing services and improving customer relations." Claudia Oprea, Head of Collection Department, BCR Social-Finance.
The solution: automating business processes and digitizing customer relationships
New Business Dimensions implemented a modern Collection solution for BCR Social-Finance with real-time data access and multiple automation elements. The GRAFS Collection platform was integrated with BCR Social-Finance's business applications and processes and workflows were refined to increase user efficiency and enable fast interaction with customers.
"GRAFS Collection is a modern solution, both in terms of technology and functionality. It focuses on automation and collaboration to minimise manual intervention on data and allow easy sharing of information and tasks between users and departments. It is integrated with the company's core business system and access to data is secure." George Lucaci, Project Manager, BCR Social-Finance
The platform automatically takes data from the company's core business system and makes it available to users in a structured way. This way, every employee has easy access to all the information needed to run their business, with GRAFS Collection accessible from any device: desktop, laptop, tablet or mobile phone. For supervisors and decision-makers, the platform automatically generates reports to support business decision-making.
Access to data is secured according to the role in the organisation and the specific rights assigned. In order to familiarise users with the new platform, several training sessions have been carried out for groups of employees and a library of manuals, procedures, useful information, etc. has been created.
BCR Social-Finance has opted to implement the New Business Dimensions solution on-premises (on its own IT infrastructure) but the platform can also be accessed from the cloud. The project was started in June 2021 and went live in October, after only 4 months of implementation, when the previous system was shut down.
"The technical project was run 100% remotely and the employee training was also 100% online. All stages went smoothly and we even had a careful test, with several iterations, whereby we integrated key user feedback into the system. The go-live took place on schedule, with 80 users ready and active on the platform." George Lucaci, Project Manager, BCR Social-Finance.
Project results
For BCR Social-Finance, the main advantages of the GRAFS Collection platform are to increase business efficiency by automating data exchange between the user interface and the core-business system, centralizing information and eliminating manual processes. This has improved front-office workflow, the quality of applied resolutions and operational efficiency.
"We have achieved a high level of automation, both in the data intake into the new platform and in the allocation of tasks to users and the generation of activity reports. Furthermore, we have achieved our goal that all the information needed by colleagues in dealing with customers is centrally available and constantly updated." Claudia Oprea, Head of Collection Department, BCR Social-Finance.
- Save time by eliminating manual data processing
- Reducing paper-based document volume
- More effective and informed interactions with customers
- Promptness and transparency
- Access to centralised and up-to-date data
- Improved decision support
"We have noticed that by using the new platform, we have increased the number of customers contacted on a day-to-day basis, but also increased the quality of interactions. This is because the team has easy access to a lot of information and can now focus on understanding the customer's problem and providing the best solution for them." Claudia Oprea, Head of Collection Department, BCR Social-Finance.
Through the functionalities offered, the Graf Collection platform contributes to the digitization of BCR Social-Finance business processes and to the increase in the quality of customer relations. Based on the results obtained, BCR Social-Finance and New Business Dimensions are already planning to extend the solution by adding task automation elements that will bring additional value to the investment.
"The collaboration with New Business Dimensions was impeccable, I immediately felt that they had experience in the financial environment and knew the specific processes. The automation proposals added great value and are a real win for the whole project. " Claudia Oprea, Head of Collection Department, BCR Social-Finance.
Implementation of SAF-T reporting to OTP Bank
About the customer
Established in 1992, OTP Bank Group is the largest banking institution in Hungary and the third largest in Central and Eastern Europe. Present in Romania since 2004, OTP Bank offers complex financial services for individuals and companies and ranks 9th among Romanian banks.
OTP Bank uses two major operational platforms to run its business: the Absolut core banking system for the management of banking sector-specific information and the SAP ERP system for the management of financial and accounting data. On top of these two platforms, the bank has developed a Data Warehouse System that offers advanced integration, processing, analysis and reporting capabilities.
"We are one of the well-regulated industries and OTP Bank has a clear strategy to consolidate data into a single platform to have a single source of truth. The reporting requirements have led us to invest in a modern data warehouse that allows easy data integration and processing, as well as fast generation of reports required by the NBR or other audit bodies," says Mihai Popescu, Project Coordinator at OTP Bank Romania.
SAF-T, a novel and complex report
In 2021, after the official announcement of the mandatory SAF-T reporting to the tax authorities, OTP Bank started an internal process of documentation and analysis to align with this legislative requirement. Even though for financial-banking institutions the implementing rules provided for a longer preparation period for the submission of the standard tax control file, the bank paid high attention to this topic.
The first stage was carried out internally by the departments involved in the management of existing tax reports. The necessary information in the XML file associated with the D496 return was analysed and matched with the existing data structures in the organisation's operational systems. Subsequently, the IT department was also involved to perform accurate mappings between data fields and identify technical solutions for the actual extraction of the data.
The complexity of the project and the high level of accuracy required by SAF-T reporting led OTP Bank Romania to turn to New Business Dimensions, a company specialized in reporting solutions for the banking industry.
"After evaluating the SAF-T project from an internal perspective for a while, we realised that the level of complexity was too high and that we needed a specialised partner. We looked at several offers, but opted to work with New Business Dimensions because they have relevant experience in the field of banking reporting, but also because we knew the team from other collaborations and we were sure that they understood what we needed and had the capacity to deliver what we wanted," says Mihai Popescu.
Project implementation
The collaboration started with the formation of a joint working team combining tax and reporting expertise with technical knowledge and following a rigorous project methodology. The team included tax specialists, business analysts, data warehouse experts, developers, led by a dedicated project manager. A work plan was established with recurring meetings to gather information, assess the project's progress, identify and overcome challenges.
New Business Dimensions has mapped and correlated all the necessary fields so that the data exported in SAF-T format complies with the requirements and the associated XML file is correctly and validated by the ANAF platform through DUK Integrator. This involved the integration of new data flows at the central warehouse level, but also data quality assurance operations involving checking and changing the way data is recorded in operational systems. Due to the large volume of data requiring processing, NBD ensured that the system provided the technical performance required to make the D406 declaration as easy and time-efficient as possible.
"The main challenge of the SAFT project was a business one, and this is where we saw the value brought by NBD consultants. Many of the data fields required in the D406 return were not routinely used by the bank, and others were not considered necessary. NBD helped us to develop a way of recording data that is in line with SAF-T requirements and allows us to obtain the D406 declaration in a correct and fast way," says Mihai Popescu.
Objectives met
After analysing the procedures and implementing the technical solution for data extraction, the project team moved on to the testing phase. The generated returns were checked through the ANAF platform and errors were thoroughly analysed and resolved on time. At the beginning of May, the first 100% correct reports were obtained, OTP Bank being among the first banking institutions in Romania to submit and validate the D406 form in SAF-T format. Currently, for OTP Bank, obtaining the 406 return in SAF-T format involves processing more than 1.5 million transactions and correlating more than 320 indicators from the two operational systems. The average time to obtain and export the D406 statement and associated XML file is approximately 40 minutes.
"SAFT was a unique project, both in its novelty - and in the complexity of the records required. Together with NBD, we overcame all the obstacles and managed to get a correct and valid declaration within the legal deadline required by the authorities. Any project brings challenges and difficulties, but what matters is the ability of the people involved to reach a common denominator and find solutions," says Mihai Popescu, Project Coordinator at OTP Bank Romania.
New Business Dimensions has mapped and correlated all the necessary fields so that the data exported in SAF-T format complies with the requirements and the associated XML file is correctly and validated by the ANAF platform through DUK Integrator. This involved the integration of new data flows at the central warehouse level, but also data quality assurance operations involving checking and changing the way data is recorded in operational systems. Due to the large volume of data requiring processing, NBD ensured that the system provided the technical performance required to make the D406 declaration as easy and time-efficient as possible.
"The main challenge of the SAFT project was a business one, and this is where we saw the value brought by NBD consultants. Many of the data fields required in the D406 return were not routinely used by the bank, and others were not considered necessary. NBD helped us to develop a way of recording data that is in line with SAF-T requirements and allows us to obtain the D406 declaration in a correct and fast way," says Mihai Popescu.