We accept all challenges!

Seriously and enthusiastically!

Problems become opportunities!

New Business Dimensions is a pioneer in introducing
Business Intelligence solutions to financial institutions in Romania

GRAFS - Debt collection software platform

Starting from the moment of opening a relationship with customers and culminating in the least desired part of the execution of enforcement activities, the GRAFS application provides ongoing monitoring and drill-down capabilities and modification of highly detailed workflows.
GRAFS platform capabilities:
  • Management of the imported portfolio (customers, products) both according to the timeline (guided mainly by the criterion of days of delay but also by other criteria established by the beneficiary) and by workflows (based on states/transitions)
  • Configuring resolution codes for actions or bookmarks and collecting information at the resolution level
  • Action management (individual or mutual)
  • Contact data management
  • Define teams of operators/collectors
  • Full customer profile ("360 View")
  • Generating reports and analyzing indicators
  • Import information from files
  • Default determination of data quality and configurations
  • Dashboard/User Control Panel
  • Internal user authentication mechanism
  • Granting in-app permissions based on application roles
  • Auditor logging
  • Internal document storage mechanism
  • Templates for generating documents
  • Data protection/support for GDPR

Solution GRAFS Collection solution can be implemented both in the cloud computing type infrastructure and in the on-premises infrastructure.

“Cloud Computing” infrastructure - offers the advantage of ensuring redundancy of the infrastructure without additional efforts on the part of the beneficiary (by using PaaS components [i.e. Platform as a Service]: web service, databases, data storage).